Tree on the Moor...
Tree on The Moor(8x10,oils $100)
George Inness was my inspiration here. Nick Jainschigg and I got talking about him as an influence. He had a way of depicting some subtle landscape colors, lost edges and just dashes and scrapes of color. I based this, I confess, on a rather cool postcard I received. Changed things of course but used the overall lighting as my inspiration. The tree was interesting as it had no leaves on it. I used a big brush and pulled back from the temptation to put in alot of detail, something I need to bring myself up on as was the purpose of this whole venture anyway. A note here-I suspect I'll be posting several paintings per week, than on a daily basis. It just works out easier that way for me and feels less of a chore.

Dear Bob,
No wonder this one sold! How beautiful.
Actually, NOT sold...yet anyway!
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