New cover to RAH's THE MAN WHO SOLD THE MOON. Larger piece, in oils. And I got an opportunity to do a Heinleiner Rocket. YES!!! Lots of fun to do. I did this more as symbolism than anything in the book. Sometimes the best ones work that way when you go with emotion. Check out the sketch of this painting, back from July, and compare. One of the things I wanted to do was recall,in the image, the days of old "graphic" covers that had that great minimalist feel of the 40's war propanda posters and such. The other problem, if you will, with any cover, is that alot of space has to be left up top for type design. I tend to leave the space somewhat open...on personal works, I don't.
I'm really physically exhausted after doing so many paintings(five) and a short time(just under four weeks)...so I am off to Dallas for a break.
I'll be back to smaller paintings, soon. I got alot done here, over a month and don't anticipate that happening in such a crunch again, in the foreseeable future.
Bob, that is superb! Sci fi at its purist, perfect for a Heinlein cover. Love the way you get drawn into the moon.
Thanks Dave...It was a fun piece to do! I like retro work anyway...
Very cool. Had to reload my operating system and forgot to save my bookmarks. God a bit behind due to cranking out art for the holidays also. I'm getting caught up and have bookmarked you again.
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