Bob's Bonestell...
Chesley's Moon(8x10,oil SOLD!)
I sold this before it was even posted!! Anyway, some emails and nice comments have prompted me to take an "oil paint" look at Space Art done like painting-a-day, this is, a small size in a certain time limit. So I did my take on a classic Chesley Bonestell, but with my own touches. If only Titan looked this inviting. Instead it's hazy and covered in mud. But who is to say this isn't another ringed world in another solar system? Lots and lots of fun to do, and made me feel very nostalgic. Maybe I should do a bigger, longer one of this? What do you think?

I sold this before it was even posted!! Anyway, some emails and nice comments have prompted me to take an "oil paint" look at Space Art done like painting-a-day, this is, a small size in a certain time limit. So I did my take on a classic Chesley Bonestell, but with my own touches. If only Titan looked this inviting. Instead it's hazy and covered in mud. But who is to say this isn't another ringed world in another solar system? Lots and lots of fun to do, and made me feel very nostalgic. Maybe I should do a bigger, longer one of this? What do you think?
Oh, no fair! I started going "ooooh..." before I saw the "sold" tag. Hmph.
Hey Elka. Don't worry. I think I may have to paint more of these!!
Bigger longer painting of this subject? Bob, any of the one hour small paintings you've posted lately would stand up to the large treatment, because they're already so refined in color and composition.
Go for it!!
Hi Bob, if ever you paint any more of these PLEASE let me know as I'll definatley buy one!!! I love space art and needless to say Bonestell has a huge influence on me, so I love this type of work. And yes, I think you should certainly paint some larger versions too!
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