Illuxcon Paintings Pt 1
Of Late I Think of Mars (6x36 inches oils)
So I got a long canvas pretty cheap because the store had a time selling long sized canvases but these always present a challenge to me to create something fun in them. SO I did a long rocket on a long Mars panarama, partly inspired by the recent photos from Spirit and Opportunity and partly what I "saw" in the blank canvas. The result was alot of fun and came out of my hands pretty fast.

I'm bringing it to Illuxcon this weekend in Altoona PA. If you are going you can see it for real, if not and I still have the painting when I get back, pleasde inquire as to the price.
Click on the image if you want a nice close, look. And I do mean close!
That is great, can't wait to see i in person this weekend. Looking forward to meeting you and everyone ele.
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