Anderson And...An Anderson!!

The bottom image is for the upcoming NESFA Poul Anderson book and this story is called CALL ME JOE which has this wild creature that walks around on the surface of Jupiter-keep in mind the science was dated in the extreme but so what? A good story is a good story. So these are new covers coming up in months!! Enjoy!!!
Love love love the sweeping wing shapes! The heads are really and truly alien; these are no humans with rubber masks on. My favorite thing about the lower painting is the colors. The blue centaur reminds me of an Andalite. I don't suppose you've ever read any Young Adult sci-fi? Andalites are from a YA series called the Animorphs.
These paintings look really fun to do. :-)
Thanks Annalisa! I love really weird aliens and I think the classic SF authors like Anderson really had that down pat.
Hey would you do me a favor? I think you said you're in school? Would you contact my wife-Marianne-( or have a way for her to contact you. She is writing a mystery and needs info from someone in school on something. Thanks!
Hi, Bob, sure I'll e-mail your wife about school stuff. I'm not in college anymore (graduated two years ago) but that's probably current enough I'm guessing :-) . I'll identify myself as best I can in the subject line so she knows I'm not spam.
Re: Raging Avatar vs. Call Me Joe controversy - did you choose blue for the Call Me Joe alien after it became widely known that the Na'vi would be blue?
Oddly, he was blue in the story. I knew about Cameron's project but had no idea the creatures would be blue or even the story. Funny how this has taken on a life all it's own...
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