Bob's ART du Jour
Hi, I'm Bob Eggleton and this is my painting and "life in general blog" but mostly paintings. Usually they're for sale. Anyway, if you like something contact me at and ENJOY!!
About Me
- Name: Bob Eggleton (Zillabob)
- Location: New England, United States
I am a Hugo award-winning fantasy/SF artist who works on both publishing projects and film concept work(such as Jimmy Neutron and most recently, The Ant Bully) but I have a passion for landscape work, small paintings and exploring the properties of paint. This blog will mostly showcase my "painting-for-the-day" as kind of a personal voyage. I'll also be inserting sketches,photos and ideas of projects I am working on, that I can, when I can, so look for those every so often(usually as paint is drying!)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
So this is just a quick update for those still hanging in...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
JAPAN BLOG: Kaiju Shonen, Good Friends, Food.... and Farewell to Japan(For now)

Kaiju Shonen!! Left to right John Davis, filmmaker, Shinichi Wakasa, monster suit maker, and me, art maker! We created a term about five years ago called "Kaiju Shonen" meaning "Monster Kids", so all emails have to be signed "Kaiju Shonen" in some fashion when we talk. It's a great friendship that stands distance and time. One of those things you realize you have something really good in life.
So we're at the end of Japan on Art Du Jour. Next is England, and lots of new paintings, and art to come. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And this is Hiroko Sakurai who has been a friend now for about seven years. She played, in her very young days, Agent Fuji of Science Patrol, who worked with Hayata-Ultraman's alter ego on earth. Sakurai-san is perhaps one of the most gracious people I know. You watch this show in the 1970's and then, 30 years later you are having dinner with it's stars. Life is a good thing.

Takumi Shibano-what more can be said about this man-Japanese editor,translator and teacher, who's showing some age, and has health issues, but he's still got the sparkle in his heart. He pulled me aside and we had a delightful conversation which I was happy we did. He was no less the Japanese Fan GoH, as he should be!!!
Some Kaiju Friends!! Left is Shinichi Wakasa-#1 Monster Suit builder, Yuji Kaida-fellow Godzilla and monster artist, Yours Truly and, Writer/Director/Filmmaker(THE iDOL) Norman England.
I'll probably have one more post about my Japanese adventures, and then I move on." At last!" you're saying. Well, I hope you have enjoyed this vicarious adventure as much as I have enjoyed showing you. It's off to the UK on Wednesday for Brian Lumley's small but fun convention in the south of England. And yes, pix from that will be blogged. Not to worry, I'll get back to the art. The purpose of these sharing of adventures is to show you how I tick and what inspires me to paint in the first place.
Monday, September 17, 2007
JAPAN BLOG: Kazuo Oga...and Totoro
Here's some shots we took at the MOT-basically the Modern Art Museum of Tokyo. A huge exhibit was on the art of Kazuo Oga. If you have seen and love(as I do) any of the films by Hayao Miyazaki like TOTORO, SPIRITED AWAY, HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE, LAPUTA, et al, then you have seen his art. He is the background/matte painter and has been involved in all of Miyazaki's films painting-in sometimes as little as 20 minutes(!)-background painting that are lush, deep and amazing. He's also worked on alot of anime films in the 1980's, one being HARMAGEDDON and, he's done some picture books, and illustrations for poetry by survivors of the Hiroshima A-bomb in 1945. We bought all the books, and the Hiroshima one was so heartwrenching it's hard to read without getting tears in one's eyes. But, to see Oga's work, all you need to do is rent or buy any of Miyazaki's amazing films. It was a real treat to go here and again, I thank Ikkie and Shoji Hasegawa and Hicaru Tanaka for all their generosity in time and effort.
Friday, September 14, 2007
JAPAN BLOG: Think Like Amano!!!

While it started off a little...terse...mainly due to language barriers and translations, drawing was the spoken word for all artists-Amano wanted to tape up some paper and "We will do drawings together". A collaboration with Amano? I have lived to see the day that I achieved yet another dream. You can see we pretty much had the same thinking going on.
Amano's plan was to draw on one side and I draw on the other and we meet for the final "confrontation" in the middle. Watching this man work is amazing. In the end, the drawings were given away "Rock-Paper-Scissors" style auction. You had to see it to believe it, it went from an intense, solid discussion on art and thinking and techniques in which you could hear a pin a party atmosphere. Only in Japan, as I always say.

This is me in the lower reception area of Amano's Rappongi studio. Yes, stainless steel blinds. And some of his new work done in a verso technique. His "upper working studio" is off limits to cameras but it's pretty amazing. And his private working studio(third floor) is off limits to all eyes but Amano! I feel the same way some days about my own place.
Hicaru Tanaka(left) and I discuss Amano's work. My wife Marianne looks on. We owe a debt of gratitude to Amano's studio manager, Mariko Suzuki and , Shoji and Ikkie Hasegawa for this rare opportunity.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
JAPAN BLOG: Just what is INVASIA???

Okay. Let's pause for a painting...and my Birthday!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
JAPAN BLOG: Quick Painting Pix....

We were pretty worn out at this point but here's me(left) and Whelan(right) after a long time with messy, paint covered hands and, alot of joy and fun on the canvases.

The convention made sure we were "well serviced" with drinks when we needed, as even with AC the exhibit hall was very humid. I LIKE their idea of "gal-in-maid outfit service" for artists.
JAPAN BLOG: Godzilla vs Kurosawa and they both Kill Bill...

A huge,60 ft mural for the entry way to Toho. This is a painting of a scene from THE SEVEN SAMURAI, filmed at Toho by Kurosawa many years ago.

John A Davis, director of THE ANT BULLY and JIMMY NEUTRON with me, and we're having a fanboy moment conferring with Yohei Taneda, the production designer of Toho's new production, MAGIC HOUR. He was also the prod designer for the Japanese segment of KILL BILL VOLUME 1, one of my very favorite films. How cool is that?

Two cool dudes, a giant monster in the 95 F heat. John A Davis(right,me left, and Godzilla, center. He actually looks like he's standing there. Don't you love the tail ripping the cement?
With monster suit maker Shinichi Wakasa, John A. Davis, myself and our wives, families and friends got a very special tour of Toho Studios(that does not do "tours") to see what was going on and their new facilities, by Toho President Shogo Tomiyama. Pretty cool. Some business was even discussed with Tomiyama but more on that as it develops. More pix of the art painting demo later, just an interlude to show you other stuff we did!!!
(Godzilla-image and sculpture-is copyright Toho Studios Ltd. The painting from Seven Samurai is copyright Toho Studios Ltd)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
JAPAN Translation!!!

A selection of the paintings. The top one was started by Michael Whelan and finished by me. Bottom was my own Godzilla...(sold for $2000)
Michael Whelan(left) and me(right). Japanese art enthusiast and, friend to both Whelan and me, Yasuo Kawai beams on. It's thanks largely to him and Hicaru Tanaka this whole thing came off.

Here's me-looking a tad fat, working on Kato's painting which, Whelan had just finished with! Our knees were killing us after four hours!!!! Don't worry!!!! Lots more photos to come of the Worldcon, Japan, Amano and so on all week! If I showed everyone everything at once....then what fun would that be? All these photos courtesy of Ikkie Hasegawa, with her husband Shoji, two of my very best friends in Japan. Thanks Ikkie!!!!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
JAPAN BLOG: Back from Japan....

Here's some pictures, courtesy Michael Whelan of the big painting jam that was held in Yokohama at the 65th World SF Con. Pictured are Naoyuki Kato-*the* premier Japanese SF illustrator, Nippon US Artist GoH Michael Whelan and, me. I'm really massively jetlagged, so more pix and thoughts soon, only to say this was an amazing, and fantastic experience bringing all our talents into a series of paintings that wowed the crowds. Lots more soon as I cover some of the art I did with friends at the World SF Con.