The sea and a waterspout...
The Waterspout(6x8 inches, oils, SOLD!)
Okay, I said more smaller paintings. I miss doing them,but with all the stuff going on, it's hard. Small paintings "ground" my mind, as it were. Like meditation, or Yoga. Anyway, here I am back at them. I got inspired by Constable and Turner (speaking of, NEXT MONDAY, 7/23 10 PM EST, PBS- Simon Sharma's Power of Art- He's featuring Turner!!!) and did this little number. In fact, Thomas Cole, another great artist painted a waterspout as an allegory for nature over man. Maybe that was on my mind of late too. I long to see some ocean soon and we may do just that on Sunday or the meantime, expect some sea paintings.

Okay, I said more smaller paintings. I miss doing them,but with all the stuff going on, it's hard. Small paintings "ground" my mind, as it were. Like meditation, or Yoga. Anyway, here I am back at them. I got inspired by Constable and Turner (speaking of, NEXT MONDAY, 7/23 10 PM EST, PBS- Simon Sharma's Power of Art- He's featuring Turner!!!) and did this little number. In fact, Thomas Cole, another great artist painted a waterspout as an allegory for nature over man. Maybe that was on my mind of late too. I long to see some ocean soon and we may do just that on Sunday or the meantime, expect some sea paintings.
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