Lotsa new art....
BAsed on the film from 1963 that scared the beejeezus out of me in the day, and even now...
This was done for MAD SCIENTIST fanzine and, they bought it as well!!! Alot of fun painting this most ignored Kaiju....
Godzilla vs The Smog Monster (pencil and ink on paper)($150) Study for a larger work.

This the great creature from THE ANGRY RED PLANET that came out in 1960. Always will be one of the oddest creatures on the screen ever!
You don't need me to tell you this, but those are some very cool paintings and drawings.
You've got to create a print of that Creature piece. it's absolutely beautiful. The Mushroom People scared the BeJeezus of me when I saw it on Channel 56 out of Boston.
i am admiring your art. what got to me though, was that monstermushroom thing. i am starting a research on fantastic art and i hope to see you comment on this switch to painting. lanes, languages, techinique, theme? what is it that differenciate them? i wonder if i could find a consensus on this debate so i can move on to my view on the subject. or maybe i won't do that. cheers.
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