British Kaiju...

Oddly enough, Japan didn't do EVERY giant monster in the movies. Two were done by the British, in 1960(Gorgo) and 1957(Giant Behemoth) and by the same director, Eugene Lourie(Who also helmed THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS in 1953). I did these to take to the World Horror Con in Brighton. Gorgo was a film that was quietly financed by Japanese investors
back in the day as a way to "compete" with Godzilla! Not coincidently, the film opened in Japan in December 1960 before anywhere else including England where it was made. THE GIANT BEHEMOTH had some Willis O' Brien stop motion that was sadly not as well done due to budget issues. The monster, the "Paleosaurus" is also not as spectacular as he might have looked in the film. Fun stuff to paint.