Another "artist" not long ago accused me in a chiding but semi-friendly way, that I enjoy myself too much. That "To Hell with these things! You belong at the board! Drawing and painting! And just do it all the time, let your wife go to these things!!!" and then retailed to me the story of how Norman Rockwell tied himself to his studio to the point he missed many holidays, and his family.
Despite the images he painted, his homelife was rather, I gathered dysfunctional, thanks to Workaholism.
I can't do that. I saw what Workaholism did to my Dad. I never saw him much and he missed alot of things. It was always he had to "get back to work" even on Christmas, etc. It was basically a life lost, in some respects, the way my mother saw it.
Balance is essential. This is NO DEADLINE that is that important. I build time into things and "crazy" deadlines I no longer take them on(unless it's a VERY cool project and ALOT of money).
A balanced life is a good life. Believe me on this. I had a wonderful weekend that I am still feeling a nice warm "glow" from. That's what life is all about.