Painting: Step by Step!!!(Pt 1)

This is for Arthur C Clarke's "Space Odyssey" Quadrilogy-a frontispiece for the books, a special edition out next year. The only problem was there was no time!! I had about 10 days... I had to sum up the books in one long doublespread painting, so this was the thumbnail I came up with. The format is a given so I wanted to keep major elements out of the center where the gutter would be for the book. I wanted to include The Monolith, Jupiter, three of it's moons, and the surface of our moon and, an astronaut looking at the monolith and cosmic stuff starting to happen...this was about 2x4 inches.

After roughly, an hour, the painting looks like this. I smoosh in paint that basically forms the underpainting which the rest of the colors sit on.I use Ultramarine Blue and Paine's Grey and Burnt Siena for "space" black. I also use the medium of Galkyd which is a drying agent that speeds up working in oils. I also use a bit of Drying Linseed Oil. Very little turpentine mainly because I hate the smell or even using the non-odor stuff. When I use it, I use Gamsol which is a formative substitute. I also use large-sized brushes only!!

Check back next time for how I finish it up in Part 2.
I like your work very much! You give me lots of inspiration. I would like to write a children's book some day. Thanks!
This is awesome Bob!
Looking forward to seeing Part 2...
I am off for the holidays - I will check back, when I return :-)
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Thanks Luke- your blog is great too! I need to visit more!
Thanks Bonebreaker! Yeah I might look for that DVD!
Cool- thanks for the demo. Why not use Gamsol instead of Turp I thought it was safer?
Happy Holidays
JR Monks
From what you said above, does this mean that the final drawing no longer exists, because it became the painting?
I like the monolith as door concept.
The drawing indeed no longer exists save for under the painting. I drew it freeform onto the canvas. Usually I take a xerox of that to use as a roadmap but again, I ran out of time where even a day made a difference.
I love the demo. I will check in more often and see what's up. I love watching "process"
Will you be doing more demos?
I love Process as well,this kind anyway. I hate legal process tho!
Yes, I will be doing more demos. In fact I am doing a book with a dragon demo, coming in two years!
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