From the Cape...
Sunset,Cape Cod (8x10,oils $110)
On Nauset Beach with Clouds(8x10,oils $110)
The great things about going to Cape Cod at the end of the summer is that it's still warm and nice, it's off-season so hotels are cheap and and beaches are uncrowded and free to get into. It's possible to watch a sunset over the ocean on the inner Cape, and the next morning, if early enough, see a sunrise on the other side looking out to the Atlantic. And seals. Lots of seals. There was definately a hint of Fall in the air, no matter how one looked at it and variable clouds here and there only added to the mood and interest. It's really not a summer until I have been to the Cape in some way or for some time. This was a couple of days off, just sitting on the beach alot, and then exploring some backroads. All very nice. And I did these two little paintings during the time.

On Nauset Beach with Clouds(8x10,oils $110)

The great things about going to Cape Cod at the end of the summer is that it's still warm and nice, it's off-season so hotels are cheap and and beaches are uncrowded and free to get into. It's possible to watch a sunset over the ocean on the inner Cape, and the next morning, if early enough, see a sunrise on the other side looking out to the Atlantic. And seals. Lots of seals. There was definately a hint of Fall in the air, no matter how one looked at it and variable clouds here and there only added to the mood and interest. It's really not a summer until I have been to the Cape in some way or for some time. This was a couple of days off, just sitting on the beach alot, and then exploring some backroads. All very nice. And I did these two little paintings during the time.
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