Summer...six months away
The Cove (5x10,oils $100)
I miss Green. Not Christmas green, but...leaf green. The overall green you see in summer. Everything is kind of bare and brown(and depending where you are cold). I did this 6x12 painting last summer, in Jamestown, RI. Done in a half-hour session, plein air by the water. Looking back on it, it came out rather...Edward Hopper-esque. There was a bit of humidity at the time, hence the more opaque background. When I go to paint outside all the interesting clouds disappear. Oh well, you get what you get. I've been kinda busy with holiday preparations, so I am using one of my "backlog" images". Besides, it's nice to think of warm summer again. A bit of background on this area-it was badly destroyed by the Hurricane of '38 and some "then and now" pictures are fairly stark in contrast.

Now, a question (and no means a criticism).
10 paintings and so far no people.
Are they harder to paint in the time constraint? Of less interest/learning value to the experience? Simply not a preference?
Ahh..that is to come. RIght now, these 'scapes and objects hold still for me, more or less. People, are coming...
I look forward.
Which does not imply that I am not enthralled with what has already been posted.
Possibly a self portrait(!!) and most likely a study of a gal I am using in a fantasy painting, a larger piece.
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